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S01E17 6


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:6,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Oh, that's it.
I cannot be a part of this.
- I can't do it.
- Gabrielle!

[Mourners murmur]

Stop acting like a child!

Are we supposed to be following them?

I don't know.
Maybe it's part of the ritual.

Go to hell, Carlos!

All right, people,
we're going to follow the body.

This way, please. Come along!

This is too much.
I agreed to give up the house

because I thought I'd get
a gorgeous little apartment.

- Now I won't even get that.
- What do you want me to do?

- Take the plea.
- What?

You did the crime.
Why should I pay the price?

Just suck it up,
be a man and do the time.

- You're being ridiculous.
- Am I?

All I want is the same respect
you gave your dead mother.

- Gabby, please!
- At least she has a roof over her head.


Fifteen all.

Oh, was that in?

- [Tom] Nice try.
- Alisa, you're deaf, not blind.

It was a close call.

That's telling him.

I'm waiting for my moment.

Think her tennis stinks?
You should try her cooking.

Fifteen thirty.


I should have mentioned that my tennis
is much better than my cooking.


That was fun. You play really well.

Thank you.

Gimme a break.
She serves underhand, for God's sake.

- What's your problem?
- Excuse me?

Hey, do you have
any bottled water over there?

My electrolytes get all wacky
when I sweat.

She's your wife.
How can you talk about her like that?

Let me tell you what St Alisa is saying
with that phony smile on her face.

"Move your ass, Dennis."
"Nice love handles, Dennis."

"Try switching deodorant, Dennis."

Enough. If you've got issues
with your wife, tell her.

- We're in counseling.
- It's not working too well, is it?

If you're unhappy,
do something instead of complaining.

'Cause, frankly,
I don't want to hear it.

Hey, let's trade partners.

- [Tom] Sure.
- Great!

- Thanks.
- [Murmurs]

I'll play with you.


Hey. You did not take this in.

This should hold,
but you've got to take it in.

Thank you. I know. I'm going to.
It's on the top of my list.

Whoo! That was hard work.

Would you like a glass of water

and maybe an excuse
to come in and talk to me?

Sounds great.

[Bill] So... it's tomorrow.

I told you
I'd check back in on that date.

Bill, um...

I have my reasons.

Am I... hideous?

Oh, God, no!

No, you are just
so incredibly not hideous.

Thank you... I think.

See, maybe it's the word "date"
that's throwing me off.

Look, I just want to have some fun,
you know? Dinner, drinks...

No strings attached.

OK, I'll go out with you.

Great. I know this little place
out of the way. You're gonna love it.

What are you doing?

Making an emergency list for you.

So you'll know who to call in case the
roof leaks, or the power goes out...


I'm taking the plea bargain.

So you can keep the house.

I buried my mother with respect,
and I don't regret a single penny.

But I got us into the position we're in,
and the moment I did,

I stopped respecting you.

- And that's not right.
- You're so brave.


ass [æs] n. 屁股;驴子;蠢人 n. (Ass)人名;(俄)阿斯 {cet6 :4201}

incredibly [ɪnˈkredəbli] adv. 难以置信地;非常地 { :4271}

penny [ˈpeni] n. (美)分;便士 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :4306}

plea [pli:] n. 恳求,请求;辩解,辩护;借口,托辞 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :4363}

dennis [ˈdenis] n. 丹尼斯(男子名) { :4412}

bargain [ˈbɑ:gən] n. 交易;便宜货;契约 v. 讨价还价;议价;(谈价钱后)卖 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :4926}

leaks [li:ks] n. 泄漏,渗漏(leak的复数) v. 泄漏;渗(leak的单三形式) { :5165}

gorgeous [ˈgɔ:dʒəs] adj. 华丽的,灿烂的;极好的 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5457}

um [ʌm, əm] n. (Um)人名;(柬)温;(阿拉伯)乌姆 int. 嗯(表示迟疑) { :7325}

stinks [stɪŋk] n. 恶臭;讨厌的人(stink的复数) v. 令人厌恶;发臭味(stink的第三人称单数) { :8551}

phony ['fəʊni:] n. 假冒者;赝品 adj. 假的,欺骗的 {gre :8590}

hideous [ˈhɪdiəs] adj. 可怕的;丑恶的 {toefl gre :9849}

mourners [ˈmɔ:nəz] n. 哀悼者; 哀悼者,送葬者( mourner的名词复数 ) { :12726}

wacky ['wækɪ] adj. 乖僻的,古怪的 { :13218}

deodorant [diˈəʊdərənt] n. 除臭剂 adj. 除臭的;防臭的 { :17089}

electrolytes [ɪ'lektrəˌlaɪts] n. [化学] 电解质;电解质类(electrolyte的复数形式) { :17718}

underhand [ˌʌndəˈhænd] adj. (球赛时投球)下投的;阴险的 adv. 欺诈地;以下手投 { :23652}

gabby [ˈgæbi] n. (Gabby)人名;(英)加比 adj. 饶舌的,多嘴的 { :40620}

alisa [ə'lisə] [人名] 阿莉莎

gimme [ˈgɪmi] n. 贪心,贪婪 adj. 贪得无厌的 vt. 等于give it to me

gonna [ˈgənə] abbr. (美)将要(等于going to)

whoo [ ] [网络] 后;拱辰享;喔

excuse me [ ] un. 请原谅;对不起 [网络] 劳驾;打扰一下;打扰了

fifteen all [ ] 一比一

fifteen thirty [ ] 一比二

for God's sake [ ] na. 看在上帝面上 [网络] 看在上帝的份上;看在上帝的面上;看在上帝份上,拜托

move your ass [ ] [网络] 滚一边旯去;把你的屁股挪开;赶紧的

no string [ ] un. 无附带条件 [网络] 单据编号;高级快乐百宝箱

plea bargain [pli: ˈbɑ:ɡin] un. 〔律〕诉讼交易 [网络] 辩诉交易;认罪协商;认罪协议

roof leak [ ] 屋顶漏水

roof over [ ] vt.给...盖上屋顶,遮蔽

suck it [ ] [网络] 你爱咋咋地;美语口语;去你大爷的

suck it up [ ] [网络] 别抱怨了;认命;吸

your ass [ ] [网络] 你的屁股

thank you

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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